It is the end of April and the world is at war with an invisible agent; Cities are locked down and businesses closed. We are on a roller coaster towards a global economic meltdown. Life has not been same at least not in the last over 60 days now.
I have not unfortunately seen my family in the last 5 weeks at least. My days are spent trying to figure out how to get some help to COVID-19 suspects or confirmed cases either in form of testing or treatment.

My phone is a hotline for my hospital emergency response and the batteries keep running down due to the incessant calls. I have had to swab the living and the dead just to check whether or not they had COVID-19. I have worked in the laboratory to confirm whether the tests are positive or negative. I have had to review the therapy and test results of cases of COVID-19 and also had to sit with them to encourage them that they will surely get well and test negative soon. I have had to keep a mental log of who needs to be retested, when that needs to happen and even had to hop in and out of their homes to ensure they get the needed care.

Of course, my life has not been the same in this time!!!
In the middle of all this, I have been privileged to observe a complex interplay of power, politics, poverty of thoughts and ideas and how these 3Ps negate the effort at COVID-19 containment and mitigation. I have held my head high and my integrity intact, thankful to excellent home training that has always superceded all forms of pressure, pleasure or negative persuasions. I have trained other people to help to support this battle in their various capacities as healthcare workers.

I have made new friends, the ones that will possibly outlast this malady, I have gained new insight into the intrigues of human nature and how it interferes with intelligent reasoning. I am wiser and smarter but definitely not richer in terms of cash.
The greatest joy in all of these are the words of gratitude, the smile and the prayers from the recovered cases as I reel out our post discharge plans.
This weighs more than a million dollars worth of gold.
The war is by no means over.

Stay safe dear folks. Practice physical distancing, use your face mask in public places, do not be weary about washing your hands with soap and water. Most importantly take lots of fluid, fruits and rest well enough so your immune system remains well above board.
This too shall pass.
Abike Fowotade.