What our Clients are saying
Awesome and enlightening course on consultation skills, as pharmacist we need to do better, asking as many questions as necessary gives an holistic view of the clients complaints and how we can suggest or proffer the right solution.
It is quite interesting how changes in the body during pregnancy affect the pharmacokinetics of medicines, the effects of increased estrogen and progesterone. This module is highly educative, and help me better appreciate safety of medicines during pregnancy.
The course is well delivered, and when you are done, the audit looks so simple that you wonder if you’ve wasted your money enrolling for it. That is how easy and simple they’ve made the course. There is no way you can take this course and still be confused about audit and quality improvement. The course makes Audits look so easy. When you are done with the course, you will start seeing different ways you can improve patient care. The course was a wonderful experience. Glad I enrolled.
This is a comprehensive and quite and interesting session. This lesson is quite comprehensive. It has made learning pharmacokinetics easier and interesting, starting from the basics. We hope to achieve much success in applying the knowledge acquired into practice. It has made learning basic pharmacokinetics and it’s application into practice easier. Keep it up. Thank you, Professor
Presently our business strategy at my company seems to require to do a lot more help with the supply chain strategy to achieve success. We started using just the knowledge we have on Business strategy, digital implementations, virtual and online engagement. Listening to this lecture notes makes it crystal clear that a lot more needs to be done. I will be applying the lectures to physical practice and will be sharing my growth and success story per time.
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Akinniyi Aje
It has been a great experience being an instructor with ThummimNg. The online educational platform has challenged me to take on new tasks to adapt to the new-normal.

Ronald Ikpe
Being on the Thumming platform is one of the best things that has happened to me. Through the platform, I can share my knowledge with my colleagues and others on a large scale.

Ola Aduroja
Chief System Analyst
I was introduced to Thummim by one of my former students. I did my research on this online training platform and I love what I saw and immediately the desire to be part of the great work was ignited
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